How to hide the red dot on Apple Watch

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By Erric Buttlar

A red dot may be seen at the top of the watch face  when you have unread notifications. Here’s how you can get rid of it, either temporarily or permanently.

How the Red Dot works

Red dots look like badge alerts on iPhone apps. It’s helpful in knowing once you have alerts that haven’t been viewed yet, but it can be distracting for some people.

Swipe down on the red dot on your watch to see the notifications and clear them. On top is a button for clearing all notifications, and by design, a red dot at the top.

This little red dot is a handy way to know when you have at least one notification waiting for you, but if you get notifications constantly, then it becomes a permanent feature on your watch face.

By following the steps below, you can hide the red dot completely or disable Apple Watch notifications for individual apps.

Learn how to hide the red dot on your Apple Watch.

  1. Raise your wrist to wake the Apple Watch.
  2. Use the digital crown on the side of the watch.
  3. Select the Settings app from the list.
  4. Click Notifications.
  5. Turn off the notification indicator.
  6. Exit Settings by pressing the Digital Crown again.
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Instructions on how to hide the Red Dot on the iPhone

  1. Go to the Watch app on your iPhone.
  2. TaSelect Notifications.
  3. Disable Notifications Indicator.
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Erric Buttlar

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