How to see Spotify wrapped up for Apple Music

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By admin

Streaming music service Spotify is an Apple Music competitor that produces a “Spotify Wrapped” recap of each user’s favorite songs and listening habits each year. Spotify Wrapped is a popular year-end feature, and Apple Music listeners might wonder how to get a “Wrapped” rundown.

Apple doesn’t have a year-end wrap-up like Spotify, but they do have “Apple Music Replay,” which lists your favorite songs of the year. Each week, Apple Music Replay updates your playlist with the latest songs from your favorite artists. For the best Apple Music Replay experience, head over to the Apple Music Replay website and sign in with your Apple Music account.

The Apple Replay website shows you how many hours you listened to music during the year, and your top albums and artists. Take screenshots if you want to share these statistics on social media. On iPhone or iPad, you can listen to Apple Music Replay playlists, but to see more detailed statistics you’ll need to sign in on the web.

Apple Music Replay playlists

  1. Go to “Listen Now” in the Apple Music app.
  2. Go to “‌Apple Music‌ Replay.”
  3. Pick one of your replay lists.

Apple Music lets you see how your tastes have changed each year you’ve subscribed.

There’s one thing I really like about Spotify Wrapped: all of your year-end stats are wrapped up in neat little graphics that you can share on social media. Unfortunately, Apple Music doesn’t have anything like that.

‌Apple Music‌ Replay also has fewer details than Spotify Wrapped, which gives you information on top artists, genres, songs, podcasts, and minutes listened to. Additionally, Spotify has a feature called “The Movie” that mixes top songs with classic movie scenes, and “2021 Wrapped Blend,” which lets you see how your friends’ listening tastes compare.

Apple’s year-end feature is less comprehensive than Spotify’s, and Apple hasn’t made a full-on year-end highlight reel yet, so Replay is all that’s left for Apple Music users for now.

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